Tag: White House

Actress Melissa McCarthy returned on the TV show "Saturday Night Live" to reprise her impression of White House press secretary Sean Spicer, while taking a jibe at his gaffe involving Hitler and the Holocaust.....

US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania on Monday welcomed more than 20,000 children and parents to the White House to hunt for Easter eggs and participate in egg-rolling races, a tradition that dates back to 1878. ....

The White House has fired chief usher Angella Reid, the first woman and second African-American to hold the position, the media reported.....

US President Donald Trump would welcome the chance to run against Oprah Winfrey in 2020 if she chooses to become a presidential candidate, the White House has said. ....

US President Donald Trump has met his predecessor George W. Bush in front of the White House on the eve of the state funeral in memory of the latter's father, also former President George H.W. Bush. ....

US President Donald Trump while addressing the daily White House coronavirus briefing said "we are very close to a vaccine", after noting vaccine trials taking place in the US, Germany, the United Kingdom and China.....

Sunlight kills coronavirus while warmer temperatures and humid weather significantly damage the virus, measured in terms of the virus' half life or the time it takes to cut its potency in half, according to the latest breakthrough research from the US Department of Homeland Security's most advanced bio containment lab, released at the White House here on Thursday.....

A top White House official tasked with tackling the coronavirus pandemic said that those who failed to abide by the federal mitigation guidance while protesting against lockdown measures were engaging in "devastatingly worrisome" behaviour. ....

A top White House official tasked with tackling the coronavirus pandemic said Sunday that those who failed to abide by the federal mitigation guidance while protesting against local lockdown measures were engaging in "devastatingly worrisome" behaviours.....

The White House scrambled to clarify on Saturday afternoon the timeline of Donald Trump's COVID diagnosis, which got clouded earlier on Saturday after Trump's doctor Sean Conley said the US President was diagnosed "72 hours" ago. ....